MINSK, l26 July (BelTA) - The agreement between the governments of Belarus and the Russian Federation on the development and series production of the Osvey twin-engine light multipurpose aircraft is being prepared for ratification. The corresponding draft law has been published on the National Legal Internet Portal, BelTA has learned.
The main contractor from the Russian side is Ural Works of Civil Aviation, the co-contractor from the Belarusian side is 558 Aircraft Repair Plant based in Baranovichi.
In accordance with the agreement, the Belarusian side shall set up a serial production of the Osvey aircraft. The Russian side shall place orders with 558 Aircraft Repair Plant to manufacture at least 178 fuselages in the period up to 2038. The Belarusian plant shall also manufacture 50% of the Osvey aircraft as part of the comprehensive program for the development of Russia's national aviation industry through 2030 (at least 89 aircraft).
As it has been reported, Belarus and the Russian Federation is set to produce a prototype of the Osvey aircraft in late 2026 - early 2027 and begin testing it.